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Creditor Matrix

Creditor Matrix

A creditor matrix contains each creditor's name and

mailing address.  This information is used for noticing and also for

claims information when applicable.  

In order to ensure that the cases you file can be properly read by

our scanners, we ask that you observe the following guidelines. 

 Paper Format

  1. Lists must be typed in one of the following standard typefaces or

    print styles:

    • Courier 

    Note:   Other typefaces may be compatible with our system but

    Courier is the only typeface that has been tested.

  1. Lists should be typed on a single page in a single column rather than

    in three columns (see examples below).

  2. The name and address of each creditor cannot be more than 5

    lines.  If a record is more that 5 lines, the 6th line will be

    combined with line 5 and the 7th or 8th lines will be truncated.

  3. Each line may contain no more than 40 characters including blanks.
  4. Names and addresses should be left justified.
  5. Spaces in the first position of a line will cause an exception report

    for that creditor record.

  6. Special characters such as ~, ½, or  ^ will cause

    problems.  The # and & characters have not been reported to

    cause errors.

  7. Account numbers or "attention" lines should be placed on the

    second line of the name/address. If an account number is included, use only the last 4 digits of the number.

  8. City, state, and ZIP code must be on the last line.
  9. Nine digit ZIP codes must be typed with a hyphen separating the two

    groups of digits.

  10. All states must be two-letter abbreviations.
  11. Each creditor must be separated by at least one blank line.
  12. Do not include page numbers, headers, footers, etc.
  13. Lists must be typed so that no letters are closer than 1/2 inch from

    any edge of the paper.

  14. DO NOT include the following people (who

    were formerly required on creditor matrixes). They will be retrieved automatically by the

    computer for noticing.

    • Debtor
    • Joint Debtor
    • Attorney for the Debtor(s)

Creditor Matrix on Disk

  1. Submit on a CD.

  2. Use same format as above.

  3. Save the file using debtor's name.txt (e.g., Smith.txt).
  4. If your CD is unreadable by the Court, it will be returned and a deficiency

    notice will be issued.

Things to Avoid

Although the court is using sophisticated equipment and software to

ensure accuracy in creditor list readings, certain problems can still occur. By following

these guidelines, the court will avoid delays or additional effort in mailing notices.

The following problems can prevent your lists from being read by the optical

scanner, requiring you to resubmit your creditor list in an acceptable form.

  1. Extra marks on the list

    - such as letterhead, dates, debtor name, coffee stains, handwritten marks.

  2. Non-standard paper

    such as onion skin, half-sized paper, or colored (such as yellow) paper.

  3. Poor quality type

    caused by submitting a photocopy or carbon, using an exhausted typewriter, or using a

    typewriter with a fabric ribbon.

  4. Unreadable type faces

    or print styles such as proportionally-spaced fonts, dot-matrix printing, or exotic fonts

    (such as Old English or script). Use only Courier 10.

  5. Misaligned lists

    caused by removing the paper from the typewriter before completing the list, or inserting

    the paper into the typewriter crooked.

  6. Incorrect typewriter


    will cause unreadable lists. Make certain that your typewriter is set for 10 pitch if you

    are using a 10 pitch type style.

  7. Stray marks should

    be avoided. Do not type lines, debtor name, page numbers, or anything else on the front of

    a creditor list. Any identifying marks you choose to add can be typed on the back of the


  8. Upper case only

    (all capital letters) should be avoided. Type in upper and lower case as you would on a


  9. Zip Code must be on the last line.

    Nine digit zip codes should be typed with a hyphen separating the two groups of digits. Do

    NOT type attention lines or account numbers on the last line; put these on the second line

    of the name/address if needed. (The zip code must be at the end for the zip code sorting

    equipment to find it.)

  10. Fabric ribbons should be avoided.

    They produce letters which are too fuzzy to be properly scanned.

Example Creditor List: Courier

U.S. Attorney
660 W. Washington Ave, Ste
P.O. Box 1585
Madison, WI 53701-1585

Internal Revenue Service
Insolvency ME-128
310 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53202-2221

First City National Bank of Beaumont
P.O. Box 3391
Beaumont, TX 77704

Flex Northwest
Seattle, WA 98372

General Welding Supply Co.
Acct. No: 876 543 219
P.O. Box 3657
Baltimore, MD 20984

George S. Bush Export, Inc.
Attn: Larry Jones
1400 Exchange Building
Buffalo, NY 10984

Peterboro Food and Beverage
405 Landover Road, Suite 12B
Landover, MD 20009