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341 Meeting of Creditors Locations

On or after June 3, 2024, the U.S. Trustee Program is implementing virtual § 341 meetings of creditors in chapter 7, 12, and 13 cases in the Eastern District of Oklahoma for § 341 meetings being held.

For more information, including joining a meeting and what documents to provide to the trustee prior to the meeting, click here.

Region 20: Local Section 341 Meeting Information, click here.

Meeting of Creditors Videos

Eastern District of Oklahoma Trustee Zoom 341 Meeting Information 
Chapter 7 
Trustee Name Meeting ID Passcode Dedicated Meeting Link 
Phone No. 
Charles Greenough 429 012 4366  2752838952 1-405-296-0926
Luke Homen 961 075 3291  8923715778 1-405-296-0234
Scott Kirtley 650 383 5023  8455936576 1-405-825-9858
Kelley Loud 613 552 0107  3540266742 1-405-296-3148
Chapter 12 
Trustee Name Meeting ID Passcode Dedicated Meeting Link 
Phone No. 
Lonnie Eck 980 360 3285  1126666149 1-405-825-9811
Chapter 13 
Trustee Name Meeting ID Passcode Dedicated Meeting Link 
Phone No. 
Mark Bonney 990 681 8218  4079075518 1-405-296-3353


341 Meeting Schedules

 From our Internet Public Calendar (IPC), click on "341 Calendar" for the 341 Meeting Schedules.