Judgments are available electronically through the CM/ECF/PACER System. Log in using your PACER login and password; go to Reports >>CMECF Judgment Index; complete the report criteria and generate the report. Standard PACER fees apply to the Judgment Index report. You may also view this report for free at the Clerk’s Office. Due to privacy procedures, some documents filed electronically will not be available online. When a user tries to access a document that is not available online, the System will display the message, “This document is restricted and may only be viewed by Court Personnel. It is protected from unauthorized viewing and dissemination.” Restricted documents are available for viewing and printing at the Clerk’s Office or may be purchased in paper form. For instructions on purchasing a restricted document by mail are as found by clicking on the following link: Information Regarding Privacy Rules
Click Here to Register for a PACER Login if you do not already have one.
(There is no charge to register for a PACER Login)
If you already have a PACER Login: Click Here to Login to CM/ECF/PACER System > Click on Reports > CMECF Judgment Index