Withdrawal of Document
- Select Bankruptcy
- Select Other
- Type correct case number to match the document you are filing
- Select Document Event: Withdrawal of Document
- Check if joint filing with other attorney only if another attorney has signed the document if not, select next.
- Select Party Filer.
- Party Filer not listed. Add / Create New Party.
- Browse, Verify and attach the document (pdf file).
- Attach supporting documents, if applicable.
- Select the category to which your event relates, i.e. when withdrawing a motion, select motion.
(Tip: Click the top of the list, drag to highlight entire list. This will bring up the entire docket sheet). - Select the document to be withdrawn.
- Modify text, if applicable.
- Warning!! Verify filing entry is correct before submitting the "Final Docket Text."
- Save the Notice of Electronic Filing.